How To Do Curly Afro Hair + All About Afro Hair Too Dry And Difficult To Style


Learn to pamper to keep curly afro hair healthy. Initially, resistant curly afro hair becomes dry in temperate climates. Certainly, they are fragile and need care, but it is not as much about despair and throwing herself on the straightening!

Why are afro-hairs dry?

Originally, African curly afro hair was thick and durable. Their fragility is primarily related to geography. In tropical climates, humidity ensures frizzy hair. But in temperate climates, the air is drier. Therefore, the sebum (the natural moisturizing hair) tends to focus on the scalp to the detriment of the lengths and ends. When dried, these become rough and brittle.

curly afro hair

Other charges for straightening women who find their afro hair too dry and difficult to style tend to use straightening. However, this smoothing technique increased their resistance and made them fragile.

The key to breaking this vicious circle of hydration is:

How do you maintain curly afro hair?

To treat your curly afro hair, adopt soft and nourishing care and good reflexes.

  • A shampoo per week is enough. Use a mild shampoo with vegetable protein (sweet almond, shea butter, jojoba oil, and avocado).
  • A balm or moisturizer daily. Apply to the lengths and ends after your shampoo.
  • If your hair is relaxed Afro, combine a nourishing mask (with shea butter, coconut, or lawyer) with your weekly shampoo. Replace the balm or cream with a lighter product, as a spray or serum does not make your hair smooth and supple.

How hair?

Attention to disentangling, this is the most sensitive step. The best is yet to go about it gently with your fingers. Otherwise, use a wide-toothed comb and detangle your afro hair from bottom to top. To facilitate the work, you can moisturize before starting.

Let it be said, that fashion is a return to natural curly afro hair. The number of stars shows their curls and afros. If avoiding maximum straightening helps keep Afro hair healthy and resilient, then bet on the Afro hairstyle trend! And if you still want to swap your curls for smooth, curly afro hair, do not ignore the care.

To go further, follow the advice of a pro and see our feature on the maintenance of frizzy hair.

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Because only in movies would your beloved curls be perfect without you pampering them,

Today we offer you 10 tips to make them irresistible in real life. Let’s go!

Above all, you must know your hair type. It is intended to help women find suitable products, and the American hairdresser André Walker designed the following classification:


Each head of hair is unique. The product that is suitable for one will not
necessarily be suitable for the other. And you, which tribe are you part of?


Beautiful hair is also synonymous with a healthy lifestyle and we sometimes
tend to forget that.

To do this, we advise you to:

  • Drink, drink, and drink (water, of course), and consume without any
    moderation!). This will hydrate your skin and give your hair
    natural strength and malleability.
  • Eat foods that will strengthen your hair. Among the latter, you can
    count eggs (vitamin A for the regeneration of scalp tissues),
    fish (contains amino acids precursors of keratin), and nuts (vitamin E for hair growth).
  • Think about multi-vitamin food supplements dedicated to curly and frizzy hair such as
  • HairFro, which is recommended in particular to strengthen and promote the growth of curly afro hair.


Contrary to preconceived ideas, trimming your ends regularly does not accelerate the speed of growth. On the other hand, it promotes the growth of your hair by allowing it to regenerate. Dry and split ends are our enemies. They considerably slow down growth and can give our hair the appearance of a real bale of straw. The more you postpone the fateful moment, the more the fork will progress and the more it will damage an increasingly significant length. It will then be complicated to go back. So if you feel targeted, we strongly advise you to go to your favorite hairdresser without further delay!


Straightening your hair significantly damages its structure. Waves, curls, or frizz—if you preserve your hair, they will give you the device back. Finally, it is rather you who will end up returning the device, putting it in the back of your cupboard for good for their greatest happiness! Stopping hot plates keeps your hair and curls healthy


It is important to know that curly and frizzy hair greases much less quickly than straight and wavy hair. For what? Quite simply, sebum struggles to spread along the length of these types of hair. This means it takes longer for your hair to become greasy and, therefore, appear dirty. You are the lucky little ones! Spacing them out allows your hair to become softer and silkier after each shampoo.


The choice of your shampoos, conditioners, and masks is decisive and should not be neglected! Some can weigh down or even damage the hair considerably. If possible, we advise you to use gentle products without parabens, without sulfates (Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate), and silicones. We strongly recommend the Jamaican Black Castor Oil Combination pack from the American brand Shea Moisture. If you prefer to buy your products in supermarkets, we recommend the Actiforce intense care pack from the Activilong brand.


The diffuser is often the little accessory that ends up at the back of your cupboard, and that’s a shame! We therefore strongly advise you to look for it or obtain one if this is not already the case. remarkable for giving you beautiful, defined curls or a dream. The little tip for drying your hair naturally? Use microfiber towels to dry them gently, and quickly, while avoiding frizz.

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We can never tell you enough: FEED THEM!

They are here to help you:

  • Coconut oil is one of the best vegetable oils because it is the only one that penetrates the hair fiber. It is not greasy to the touch and is both nourishing and restorative. It protects the hair and stimulates its growth. The latter can be applied just before shampooing. The little tip is to let the oil sit (at least an hour, or more depending on the dryness of your hair) by wrapping your hair in a warm towel for even more effectiveness!
  • Argan oil has a high level of fatty acids and vitamin E. For these reasons, it has many cosmetic virtues, particularly for the beauty of your hair. Among its qualities and what sets it apart from its colleagues is that it gives luster and shine to dull and/or colored and highlighted hair. It is generally applied as a serum to the length or just the ends (only one or two dabs are enough).
  • and shea butter: we already dedicated an entire article to it a few days ago, but once is not enough. Shea butter can be used to bring your hair back to life. The day before shampooing, applying shea butter to damp hair is beneficial for deeply conditioning the hair.


LOC is the acronym for “Leave-In Conditioner/Oil/Cream”. This method is therefore, as you can see, made up of three very distinct steps that will considerably nourish and hydrate your hair and your darling little curls.

This method consists of:

  • Wet your hair and/or apply a leave-in moisturizer (or Leave-in Conditioner): water gives suppleness to the hair and promotes the elasticity of the curls when accompanied by nourishing agents.
  • Coat your hair with vegetable oil, such as the two oils mentioned above. This step involves sealing the water inside the hair.

Finally, apply a cream or fatty balm (such as shea butter) to help coat the hair to make it soft and shiny and thus promote the definition of your curls.

There are other methods of this type (LCO, LOCO, LBC, etc.) but the LOC method seems to be by far the most widespread.


Let’s finish in style with the rather original tip of the stylist (Chuck Amos) of the sublime Alicia Keys herself: the little toothbrush brush for the final touch. This allows you to style your curls to give them an instant glossy effect by adding the final touches to your hairstyle. It’s all in the details!

Now that you know everything, it’s up to you! Be proud of your curls, ladies; they make you even more unique.


10 Hairstyles for Curly Hair / Afro Hair

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