Best Beauty Makeup Tips In 10 Minutes For Busy Ladies These Days


Beauty makeup tips for busy ladies are becoming a luxury concept for the ladies in your life today. The busy swept away the various concerns that girls sometimes forget what they look like in the mirror.

Successful facial makeup begins with a complexion created in the best conditions, gav bi gav. This is the basis of careful work, and without a well-done complexion, your subsequent efforts will be pointless.

Here are some tips for taking care of your facial makeup.

We will give you more general advice on this page to learn how to apply makeup correctly.

The base of the complexion

Beauty Makeup Tips

Before you start using makeup, know that it is strictly necessary to take care of your skin, possibly applying a serum, and whatever happens, use use use use a day cream adapted to your skin type. It is a necessity to obtain a nice complexion, so that the final result meets your requirements. Foundations are also available, allowing you to reduce redness (green base), prepare for the application of concealer (orange base), or hide pigmentation spots.

The Foundation

The second step for a successful complexion is the application of a foundation. This could be replaced by a tinted cream or BB cream, provided that too much coverage is not required. It is also a good solution for mature skin.


The foundation can be mattifying and covering, which is perfect for skin with imperfections in particular, and which tends to have significant seborrhea. You can also choose it as fluid and light for dry skin, free of imperfections. In all cases, it will be chosen according to your skin type, and the same color as your skin tone, neither lighter nor darker. It will be applied with a brush, or a suitable sponge, and not with the finger, a technique reserved for makeup professionals.

We talk to you in more detail about this subject on this page dedicated to how to choose your foundation.

The concealer

The next product to apply is concealer. You should use it sparingly, and not confuse it with the illuminator, which will not hide the dark circles but will only bring light in small touches.


We will thus apply the concealer on the imperfections, on the darker areas of the complexion (corners of the lips, corners of the nose), as well as on the dark circles, making dotted lines. To refine the application, tap with a brush or sponge to blur the concealer correctly.

To learn more about this topic and choose the perfect product, check out this page to learn how to choose your concealer.

Sun powder

Sun powder is not obligatory, but it will give a “healthy glow” to your complexion. We will apply it very sparingly, forming a “3”, from the forehead, passing through the hollow of the cheeks, then on the lower part of the jaw.

Eye beauty Makeup Tips

The blush

To perfect the complexion, the application of a pink or orange blush is necessary. Whether powder or cream, the blush gives color and will be applied to the top of the cheekbones, with a brush or with the finger for the cream version. Be careful to blend it well though.


The lipstick

Your mouth is an integral part of your makeup, day and night. Depending on the situation but also on its shape and characteristics, the color and texture of the product will vary. To show off, it’s better to make a beauty choice than a trendy one. In other words, first think about wearing a lipstick that enhances you, before wanting to use fashionable products.


All our advice for choosing your lipstick is here.

The illuminator or highlighter

For glowy and trendy makeup, don’t forget to apply a touch of illuminator, also called a high-lighter. This will be placed above the cheekbone, and at the level of the browbone, just below the eyebrow. It can also be applied at the level of Cupid’s bow, which is also called the heart of the lip.

Highlighted-makeup-for-the-daring, Beauty makeup

Beauty Makeup Tips In 10 Minutes

30 Seconds For Concealer

Let’s start by applying the dot cream concealer to the dark areas around the eyes (including the lower lids and the eyes), nose up, and slowly following the red circles on skin sections. However, you do not just spread them, let aside spots and concealer immediately after this step!

1 Minute For BB Cream

Are you thinking of a perfect foundation layer?

You have it wrong. Instead of using foundation cream jars that are stored in the corner of the dressing table, let’s take the cartridge BB and dots all over the face, on top of all the notes in step concealer, and then be approved by the sponge with all makeup or bare fingers. Subscriptions are BB creams that can help your skin become smoother.

BB Cream Foundation For Fair Skin

1 Minute For Eyebrows

One fatal mistake of the girls in the makeup step is to skip eyebrow shaping. Use a clean brush for grooming your brows and use sticky gel or pencil to add a little color to your brows section.

Waxing Eyebrows, Beauty makeup
Beauty makeup

2 Minutes For Mascara

Skip eyes flashed, hit by the labor eyeliner pen pencil/wax. Instead, you can clamp curling up and broaching a Lashes mascara for longer and thicker eyelashes, and also create a feeling of euphoria. To avoid mascara smudging on your eyelids, you should use a card on the rear block and blink a few lashes.

Beauty makeup

1 Minute For The Cheeks And Lips

You should gradually accumulate a few lip tints and blushes in a 2-in-1 makeup box. Dab a little over 2 cheek color brushes and blend well to create a natural blush. Dosing leftover lipstick on her lips several times, she added natural color to her lips.

Red-lips-makeup-for-brown-eyes, Beauty makeup

4 Minutes For Hair

It is possible to close about this time; you can not re-polish hair with curls bobbing flawlessly. Instead, look for ways to medium hairstyle foot step up from bed more comfortable you become. Bun hair all up and spray a layer of mineral or hair styling gel. Do you have beautiful hair and personality?

Olaplex-bun, Beauty makeup
Beauty makeup

30 Seconds For the Final Stage

And finally, in the distance from the door to the private room, just pick one of your favorite scents and gently spray to the point of death as charming nape or wrist. Now what you need is a confident smile again.


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