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Hair loss due to toxic intestinal gases

Another important point is overeating with the mentioned food and beverages. Anyone who not only eats the wrong foods but also far too much is not surprised by fermentation in the small intestine and putrefaction in the large intestine.

The resulting bloating develops toxic gases, which additionally put a heavy strain on the entire organism, continue to acidify it, and ultimately promote the development of hair loss.

Hair loss due to diseased bowel

Decades of malnutrition lead to a dysfunctional digestive system. The incoming food can no longer be metabolized properly and the nutrients and minerals that are only in small quantities can no longer be completely absorbed.

U Dodatku, as the intestine and hair furs are also in direct contact with each other in terms of energy, any damage to one of them immediately affects the well-being of the energy partner.

ovako, irrespective of whether a disturbance in bowel function is subjectively felt or not, careful treatment of the bowel is one of the most important prerequisites for reversing the hairless condition and is an indispensable starting point for any hair loss procedure.

What can you do about hair loss?

A holistic basic concept involves the entire human being. So it’s not just focusing on the problem of hair loss but on the whole person. It cleanses, deacidifies, mineralizes, and gives completely new life energy.

A basic concept for hair loss consists of 6 components. U Dodatku, under 7. all those measures are summarized that can complement and accompany the basic procedures.

Dietary changes

  • Deacidification and demineralization
  • Intestinal rehabilitation and development of the intestinal flora
  • Basic hair and scalp care
  • Basic body care
  • Stress and anxiety management
  • Accompanying procedure against hair loss

1. Nutrition change

Consistently pay attention to a healthy diet in the form of a basic diet. You automatically avoid all acid-forming food and beverages. U Dodatku, you can increasingly eat such foods that contain especially those nutrients, minerals and trace elements that have a direct effect on hair health.

For details on proper diet for hair loss, see diet for hair loss and basic nutrition.

2. Deacidification and Remineralization

Deicide and rematerialize your organism internally and externally. These are ideal for special hair loss treatments. In particular, these cures help the body to neutralize the acids stored in the hair base, dissipate them, and thus stop hair loss.

U Dodatku, body and hair fur externally and internally with the highest quality, easily absorbable minerals, and trace elements, so that nothing stands in the way of new hair growth.

Since a base excess diet (see 1.) protects the body from other acids, the success of deacidification falls and is, among other things, the consistent practice of a basic diet.

A hair loss treatment should therefore always be carried out in conjunction with a basic diet.

The Sango Sea Coral

A particularly valuable component of both a 6-week hair loss treatment and the 3-month hair loss treatment should be the Sango sea coral, which is not only suitable for use in the context of a temporary treatment, but rather for the permanent Supplying the organism with vital minerals is recommended.

The minerals and trace elements of Sango Marine Coral are in ionic form. This means that they easily penetrate the cell walls due to their tiny size and thus reach their destinations very quickly: the cells. There they are involved in countless metabolic processes.

When the mineral ions of the Sango marine coral penetrate into the cells of the hair base, they remineralize it, counteract hair loss and thus create an important prerequisite for new hair growth.

Do you drink much?

To dissolve dissolved slags and poisons as fast as possible and gently, you should drink at least two liters of pure carbonated spring water throughout the day.

U Dodatku, you can take basic herbal teas, which, depending on the properties of the herbs used contribute to the dissolution of deposits, neutralization of acids, mineralization, or detoxification even contribute and thus effectively counteract hair loss.

Basic teas

The basic morning tea is the ideal introduction to a basic day. With 28 basic, mineral-rich herbs, he is able to neutralize acids, so that the body can eventually excrete them.

The basic evening tea is drunk during the late afternoon.

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Dry brush massages

Regular brushing of the skin with a special massage

the brush helps the body discharge acids and toxins.

With a daily brush massage of just a few minutes,

you can not only turn your skin into blooming, firm peach skin, but it also cleanses your entire lymphatic system.

Daily five-minute brush massage is worth about as much as a half-hour,

3. Intestinal rehabilitation and development of the intestinal flora

Effective bowel rehabilitation cleans the entire digestive area.

Only after a thorough intestinal rehabilitation,

the intestine is again able to perform its tasks effectively and easily and to provide the organism

All vital nutrients and micronutrients, as well as reliably eliminate metabolic end-products and other harmful substances. An intestinal restoration thus counteracts hair loss and the mechanisms triggering it on several levels.

4. Basic hair and scalp care

Avoid using traditional hair care products as much as possible. They contain many questionable ingredients that serve the durability and consistency of the product, but not your health.

Cheap chemical-synthetic ingredients irritate the scalp, acidify

the body in addition and ensure a completely unnecessary burden of superfluous chemicalswhich in turn promotes hair loss in its entirety.

The same applies to chemical boje za kosu.

So you prefer natural and basic hair care products

that contain no harmful, but only high-quality ingredients

that also serve the deacidification and mineralization of the scalp and thus can counteract hair loss.

We recommend the following individual products for hair and scalp care and to promote hair regrowth:


Hair Growth / Gubitak kose / Hair Loss Treatment

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