DIY Facial Scrub: Make Natural Facial Peeling Yourself


DIY facial scrubHere you will learn why you should do your facial peel yourself and what ingredients you can use. Разбира се, you also get facial scrub recipes that you can try right away because many of the ingredients you certainly have at home anyway.

Why should you do DIY facial Scrub?

The big advantage of home-made peeling is obvious: you alone decide which ingredients you use!

Here are all advantages at a glance:

  • You have the power over the ingredients and know 100% of what’s in your scrub
  • You can use the best ingredients: eg organic fruits, cold-pressed oils, Fair trade coffee
  • The ingredients easily adapted to the needs of your skin
  • Your DIY facial scrub guaranteed not to contain micro plastic
  • It’s great fun to touch and try new scrubs again and again

DIY Facial Scrub: Make natural facial peeling itselfThe ingredients

When mixing your natural homemade peeling your imagination knows no bounds. Nevertheless, you should adapt the ingredients to the needs of your skin.

An exfoliate consists of a base that can consist of one or more ingredients and an exfoliating ingredient. Here is an overview of possible ingredients and their effects.

The nourishing base ingredients for your natural facial peel

  • Olive oil contains many vitamins and moisturizes the skin. Make sure that you useextra virgin olive oilin organic quality. This is cold pressed and processed gently. Olive oil is a great base for dry and normal skin. There are virgin olive oil in the bottle here .
  • Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and contains antimicrobial fatty acids that prevent the growth of eg acne bacteria. Also with the coconut oil you should absolutely make sure that it is cold-pressed virgin oil. To process coconut oil into a DIY facial peel, you need to melt it first. It is particularly suitable for dry, sensitive skin. Coconut oil in reusable mason jar you get here .
  • Honey has a clarifying and calming effect. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, it can counteract blemishes and the skin becomes fresh and rosy. You should make sure that you buy cold-spun organic honey. Honey is suitable for all skin types.
  • Quark provides the skin with moisture and makes it instantly firmer. It has a cooling effect and is therefore very pleasant, especially in summer. Quark is especially good for oily skin. But it can also be used on dry and normal skin.
  • Avocado is known to contain quite a bit of fat, plus biotin, magnesium, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. It replenishes moisture from dry skin and makes it supple.
    Make facial peeling yourselfbenefits, ingredients, recipes

DIY Facial ScrubThe “peelingingredients for your homemade facial peeling

  • Sugar serves the typical peeling effect. Use raw cane sugar or fine sugar if possible.
    Sea salt is also suitable for your homemade facial scrub. Sea salt also contains valuable minerals and has a disinfecting effect, making it particularly suitable for impure skin. Salt should not be used on sensitive skin. You get sea salt in a linen bag here .
  • Ground coffee is finer than sugar or salt and is therefore also suitable for exfoliation on slightly sensitive skin. В допълнение, coffee promotes blood circulation and thus has a wonderful invigorating effect. Important: Always use coffee powder that has already been brewed because it is softer.
  • Healing earth absorbs excess sebum and has an anti-inflammatory effect. As it also has a drying effect, you should not use healing clay on dry skin. Clay is suitable for acne and oily skin. Regularly applied, the appearance of the skin can improve significantly. Here you get healing clay without plastic packaging .
  • Oat bran has a moisturizing and soothing effect. Due to its fine structure, it is well suited for gentle exfoliation of dry and sensitive skin.
  • Lemon provides refreshment and a rosy complexion. It also has anti-inflammatory and cleans the pores. Lemon should not be used on sensitive skin.
  • Papaya is an all-round talent. It contains papain, which helps remove dead skin cells and cleanse the pores thoroughly. Papaya is thus a natural enzyme peeling. В допълнение, papaya contains vitamin C, which supports collagen production, and the antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin E, which make the complexion radiant.

Make natural facial peeling itselfrecipes

In order to give you some ideas on how to use the ingredients mentioned above, I have put together 5 recipes for you. Разбира се, you can also combine the ingredients differentlyjust try different recipes until you have found your perfect natural facial peel.

#1: DIY Facial ScrubNatural facial peeling for normal skin

Do you need an extra energy kick in the morning? Then try it with a coffee scrub.

All you need is 3 teaspoons of coffee powder, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and if you want some lemon juice.

The coffee powder for your coffee scrub should already be brewed and for olive oil please make sure to use extra virgin olive oil. You should not use the lemon if you have sensitive skin.

Simply mix the ingredients in a bowl and the peeling for tender skin and the extra energy kick are ready.

Application: Moisten the face with lukewarm water, because moist skin can absorb the oil much better. Then apply the exfoliationavoid eye and mouth as alwaysmassage in, leave for 5 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water and dab dry.

Fare Trade Coffee For Your Coffee Scrub

Facial Peeling DIYRecipes for every skin type

#2: DIY Facial Scrub: Natural facial peeling for dry skin

Make natural facial peeling itselfingredients and recipes

Avocado Instead Of Mayo

Dry skin is also usually a bit sensitive. That’s why a combination of moisturizing avocado and the gentle peeling effect of oat bran recommended here. For a more comfortable texture, you can add honey. This also has a calming effect on the skin.

Remove some flesh from a ripe avocado, crush it with a fork, add 1 teaspoon of oat bran and some honey .

Application: You can now apply the homemade exfoliation to your face. Let it act for 5 да се 10 minutes and then carefully remove it with a lukewarm damp cloth.

#3: DIY Facial Scrub: Facial scrub yourself for oily skin

For your natural facial peel for oily skin, you will need 2 tbsp quark, 1 tsp honey, и 1 tbsp raw cane sugar. The ingredients mixed and then applied to your face.
After 5 да се 10 minutes, remove the scrub with a damp lukewarm cloth. You wash the remains with lukewarm water.

If there’s anything left over from your homemade exfoliation, you can just eat it up. 😉

Diy Facial Peeling With Sugar, Honey And Cottage Cheese

#4: DIY Facial ScrubFacial peeling make yourself for sensitive skin

For sensitive skin, you should not use abrasive grains. Here a peeling based on enzymes recommended. Papaya contains the enzyme papain and is therefore perfect as a basis for a self-made peeling suitable.

You will need 2 tbsp papaya and 1 tbsp honey .

You crush the papaya with a fork and then mix the honey in a bowl.

Again, you may like to eat the leftovers.

Facial peeling DIY recipe with papaya and honey

#5: DIY Facial Scrub: Fast facial peeling with healing earth for impure skin

Clay for a natural facial peeling on blemished skin finally, a recipe with which you can make a facial peel yourself, to fight blemished skin. The ingredients for this are healing earth and chamomile tea. You will need 2 tbsp healing clay and about 1 teaspoon chamomile tea, which you mix to a smooth mass. If it’s too firm overall, just add some more tea.

Application: After cleansing and drying your face, apply the mask, and let it dry. By drying, the healing clay draws talcum and bacteria out of the skin and clarifies it. По същото време, the chamomile tea soothes your skin. As written above, you should not use healing clay on dry skin. For bad and oily skin, it really is a secret.

Healing earth for your homemade facial peeling you get here.

Important notes for your homemade facial peeling

  • You should always mix your facial peel fresh and consume it immediately. Peels that contain perishable ingredients should not be picked up!
  • When applying, always make sure to avoid the eye and mouth.
  • If you have sensitive skin or want to play it safe, you can first test each facial peel on your forearm for its compatibility.

Have fun trying!

DIY Facial Scrub with coconut flour

Thanks to the facial scrub made with coconut flour is possible to eliminate fatigue and impurities from their skin, even in the case where it was delicate

It is not only our bodies to need care and attention but also our face, more and more load of dirt caused by pollution, the feeding incorrect, and countless other factors. In this post, we talk of facial scrub made with coconut flour, perfect for giving energy and remove small impurities.

DIY Facial Scrub

This product achievable directly to your home after purchasing the ingredients is very effective as well as attractive from the point of view of the fragrance but especially easy to accomplish.

What do you need?

Coconut flour and rice bran oil or jojoba, without exaggeration since otherwise, the quality of the flour will go missing.

The coconut flour will give your face a bitof relief from daily fatigue, making it soft and shiny without leaving any unpleasant redness, and is therefore also suitable for women with sensitive skin. After making your base, you can add essential oils to make the product even more fragrant.

In case your skin is normal and not too delicate, you dare with cane sugar, the action much more assertive and impact than the typical exfoliating compound. The secret lies in the application of it on your face using gentle massage, so as not to stress too much skin.

This facial scrub DIY is easy and fast to implement but above all economic. It is particularly suitable for the summer season, because of its exotic aroma but it is also perfect for other seasons.


Beauty Tips / Dry Skin / Facial Scrub / Natural Facial Peel

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