Dry Hands In Winter: These Home Remedies Will Make Your Hands Soft Again


You can find out which home remedies you can use to care for your hands on this page.

Dry hands are common in winter. The combination of dry heating air, freezing cold and frequent hand washing is particularly stressful for sensitive skin.

The warm air inside also removes moisture from the hands. The cold also reduces the production of the sebum glands, so that the skin is no longer supplied with sufficient oil. Frequent hand washing damages the natural protective layer of the skin.

Homemade Hand Treatments for Dry Hands

In the worst case, our hands dry out so much that fine cracks form. If the protective layer of the skin is badly damaged, bacteria and viruses can penetrate the skin unhindered. But a variety of home remedies help to care for your dry hands and thus survive the wintertime well.

Home remedies for dry hands in winter

Home remedies for dry hands must strengthen the protective layer on our skin. They should also provide enough moisture and oil to keep the skin soft and supple.

These home remedies will help with dry hands and cracks:

Coconut oil ensures that cracks and open areas on the hands heal well. Since the oil is rich in important fatty acids, you can use it to rub your hands several times a day. To do this, take two fingertips of the oil and wait briefly for the body heat to melt the oil. You can massage coconut oil into very dry hands for up to 10 minutes several times a day.

homemade hand cream for dry hands

Mix about 50ml almond oil (available from ** Avocadostore ) with the juice of half a lemon, stir both ingredients thoroughly and massage them in well. Almond oil contains important fatty acids, numerous vitamins ( vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin E ), and minerals that provide dry hands with moisture and make the skin elastic. You can also prevent painful cracks in winter.

Olive oil stimulates the regeneration of cells and helps with cell damage. It is rich in antioxidants, which helps protect cells from further damage. The oil provides a lot of moisture and makes dry hands soft again. Put some olive oil in a hand bath or warm the oil and apply it directly to the skin. Massage it thoroughly until it is completely absorbed.

Aloe Vera is not only a great home remedy for the skin in summer. It is particularly moisturizing and can be used for many skin problems. Use the gel straight from the plant or use a product with as few additives as possible. After about 15 minuta, rinse the gel off your hand again.

Avocado isn’t just great for a delicious guacamole. It contains unsaturated fatty acids and many important vitamins (A, C, E). It accelerates the regeneration of cells and protects the skin layer from environmental influences.

Mix the pulp of half an avocado and a teaspoon of olive oil into a paste. You can then apply this to your hands and leave it on for about 15 minuta. Since avocados have a bad environmental balance due to their long transport routes and complex cooling, you can also use avocado oil or plant an avocado seed and grow a new plant.


Tips: Preventing cracks in your hands

You can easily treat dry hands with home remedies. But these tips also protect you from rough skin and cracked areas:

  • In winter we wash our hands more often to protect ourselves from pathogens. This stresses the skin’s natural protective barrier. Therefore, it is better to use lukewarm water instead of hot water and pH-neutral soap to clean your hands.
  • Wear thick gloves in winter. This way, you can not only protect your hands from the cold. The skin is also better supplied with fat because the sebum glands can work normally.
  • Drink a lot to keep yourself hydrated from within.
  • In very acute cases, you can rub your cracked hands thickly with coconut oil or olive oil. Then put cotton gloves over your fingers and let the oil soak in overnight.

Remedies to Protect Her Hands From The Winter

First, to suffer the attacks of winter, the hands can quickly make gray mime in this cold period. Dry, red, chapped or, if you do not pay attention to her hands, it can quickly turn into a disaster. Grazia.fr you book all the tricks to keep hands beautiful, soft, and hydrated throughout the winter.

Remedies to Protect Her Hands From The Winter
© Getty

We Leave the Gloves

We can not emphasize enough in winter, the cold and wind destroy the natural barrier of the skin. It is therefore out of the question out without a pair of gloves.

They chose leather because they have the advantage of protecting both the cold and rain. When buying the focus then liners natural a texture such as silk which keeps heat and absorbs moisture?

Hydrated Daily

The thin and fragile skin of the hands is extremely vulnerable to cold. In winter, it opts for rich care, like a balm. Thicker and denser than a moisturizer, it forms a protective film on the skin and nourishes.

Then applied to new products and puts on plastic gloves overnight under the effect of heat, moisturizers penetrate the skin better then. Result: you wake up with hands ultra-soft and completely dehydrated. Miracle!


Down cream or balm? It takes vegetable oil such as olive oil and spread it generously on your hands. It combines two drops of an essential oil healing (rosewood, rosemary, lavender and left to stand overnight. 100% effective.

Recipes Grandmother

Sometimes it is not necessary to run the stores in search of miracle cream. If you have wisely followed the advice of her grandmother, one is able to reproduce some tips to take care of her hands. Here’s a little wakeup call:

It takes lemon juice, egg yolk, two tablespoons of honey, and a tablespoon of olive oil. Then mix all the ingredients and obtain a paste that applied liberally to hands. Allowed to act for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

The hands are so soft and silky again. Another secret grandmother to sublimate her hands in a bowl, mix two tablespoons brown sugar with half a cup of spiced rum and nutmeg powder.

Then immersed their hands in the bowl of milk for two or three minutes then the mass with the texture of the first bowl & we finish by rinsing with cold water, dried and apply a moisturizer to complete the task correctly.

Dry Hands In Winter: These Home Remedies Will Make Your Hands Soft Again

Home remedies for rough handsso they stay soft to the touch even in winter

Our hands are exposed to many different factors every day, often unprotected. Sun, cold, water, and chemicals are just a few examples of what can strain our hands. If the skin is insufficiently or incorrectly cared for, it leads to dehydration, which is characterized by dry and uncomfortable skin feeling.

The skin may also itch, burn, or feel tight. If you do not intervene in time, painful cracks can form in the skin, which can lead to bleeding and inflammation if germs get into the wound

Cosmetic Problem?

Most of the time it does, but if the problem occurs suddenly and for no apparent cause in combination with rash, itching, and redness, a doctor should clarify whether it is a skin disease such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis, or eczema. Drugs or allergies can also be responsible for dry skin.

Megjithatë, if you have conventional rough hands, try the tried and tested home remedy coconut oil. It has its melting point between 23 dhe 26 ° C, so it is best to warm a little virgin coconut oil before bed and massage your hands with it. You should wear cotton gloves overnight so that it can be absorbed well. Coconut oil can also be used in its solid-state as a hand cream substitute.

This application can also be done with olive oil. Olive oil is high in antioxidants, so it can help repair cell damage caused by free radicals. In this way, you even have a skincare product with an anti-aging effect.

The olive oil is already liquid, but should still be warmed up slightly and the skin should be massaged with it for around 5 minuta.

With vitamin E against rough hands

Another proven home remedy for rough hands is the marigold ointment, which you can even make yourself with little effort. You can find out how to do this from the link in the attachment.

If you buy a marigold ointment from the pharmacy, it should also contain zinc oxide and vitamin E. Alternatively, you can pierce some vitamin E capsules, squeeze out the liquid and rub it into your hands.

This is also very useful for rough hands. All you need to do is cut open a sheet of paper, massage the gel into your hands, and let it work for around ten minutes. Then wash your hands with lukewarm water and repeat the application once or twice a day until the desired effect is achieved.

Treat rough hands with masks

As the coming cold season puts more strain on your hands from the cold (see also “How diet can influence nail growth” ), you should treat them to a moisturizing mask from time to time. You can easily make one yourself from various ingredients, which are usually in stock anyway: For example, an avocado mask makes your hands soft to the touch again.


Hands / Remedies

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