Second Job Interview: What Questions To Ask?

Job interview

“Second job interview: what questions to ask?” Job candidate, have you successfully passed the first interview stage? This is a good sign, and yet, nothing is won. You will have to prepare for the 2nd round, which will be decisive for the final choice. Knowing how to ask the right questions is a distinctive sign that can make a difference in the eyes of your interlocutors. They prove your interest and motivation for the position. But they also help you gather information that will confirm your choice. : SheLookBook guides you to help you gain relevance.

Second Job Interview What Questions To Ask

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Second job interview: what questions to ask?

How to identify your interlocutor to ask the right questions during the second job interview?

Very often, the first job interview is conducted by the person in charge of recruitment for the company. This validates a certain number of points: skills, experience, and match between the needs of the position and your skills as a candidate.

If you are selected from all the candidates, the second step often consists of validating your personality, in particular your ability to integrate into a team, to lead a project or if you have all the qualities to be a good manager. And very often, the second recruitment interview is entrusted to the person who will be in charge of managing you.

So the first question to ask before your second interview is: Who will I meet at the second interview?

Based on this information, it is up to you to adapt the questions to ask during the interview. For example, to explore topics discussed during the first interview in more depth if you are meeting the HRD again, or to address more operational questions if you are dealing with your future boss.

Also See: 15 Qualities that Recruiters Appreciate in Job Interviews

What questions to ask about the company during the second job interview?

You probably dug deep into the ins and outs of the position to be filled during your first interview. The second interview offers the opportunity to clarify certain unclear points, but also to develop your knowledge of the company.

☑️ Questions about company culture

They prove that you are starting to project yourself there. At the same time, you are evaluating important factors for your future motivation.

Examples of questions about corporate culture:

  • What are the company’s values?
  • Has the company formulated its purpose?
  • Is it committed to a CSR policy?
  • Are there any major events that punctuate the life of the company?
  • How often are successes celebrated there?

☑️Questions about the company’s activity

By also asking questions that concern the company’s activity as a whole, you will have a broader vision and show your interest beyond the job offered. You will thus gather additional information on the health of the company and the sector of activity while showing your desire to have a 360° vision.

Examples of questions about the company’s activity

  • What are the company’s medium and long-term objectives?
  • How does it position itself concerning the competition?
  • What are his main challenges at the moment?

☑️ What questions to ask about the team in the second job interview?

Beyond your skills, the recruiter must assess your ability to integrate into an existing team. Instead of stating that you generally have good relationships with your colleagues, ask questions that illustrate your relational intelligence and reveal your soft skills:

Also See: 3 Qualities and 3 Faults: What should you answer during the job interview?

Examples of questions about your future team

  • How is the team structured?
  • What are the profiles that make it up?
  • How is it likely to evolve?
  • What are the relationships between the different collaborators?
  • What is the context of this taking up of office?

This second interview also allows you to identify the type of management practice within the company and in the team that you could join:

  • How do you encourage employee autonomy?
  • Is this a liberated business model?
  • Are managers promoted internally?

When to ask practical questions in the second job interview?

If you are at the second interview stage, it means that the company is seriously considering offering you a job. You therefore have the legitimacy to ask questions relating to the conditions of your hiring:

Examples of questions about working conditions:

What is the proposed remuneration for the position?

  • What are the benefits in kind upon hiring?
  • Under what type of employment contract?
  • What are the working conditions ( hours, leave, teleworking, etc.)?
  • Is there a trial period? If so, will it be renewed?

Do not insist heavily on knowing the amount of your restaurant vouchers, some questions should not be asked in a job interview. On the other hand, do not hide these questions which are necessarily part of the discussion during a second job interview.


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