Best 50+ Blue Eyes Makeup For Blue Eyes


When it comes to makeup for blue eyes, the goal is to make those beautiful peepers pop! You want colors that bring out their brightness and shine. Here are some tips to help you achieve a stunning look. 1. Choose Warm Tones: Colors like copper, bronze, and warm browns complement blue eyes. They create a […]

45 Vintage Style Blue Eye Makeup in the Best Model Look

Find our selection of 45 blue eye makeup ideas in retro style. Vintage is in fashion! Blue is the color of the sea and the sky. It is a color of nature. If you are lucky enough to have the look of the ocean and you lack original and modern makeup ideas, Vintage-style blue eye […]

50 Green Eye Makeup in a Vintage and Elegant Style

Discover our selection of 50 funky green eye makeup ideas in vintage style! Did you know that only four out of a hundred women have green eyes? If you have eyes of this color, you are really lucky! Green eyes are associated with magic and depth. If you want to highlight them with well-adapted and […]

Eyebrow Shaping: Step by Step. Tweezers, Thread or wax?

How do you pluck your eyebrows so they are modern while at the same time suiting the shape and features of your face? How do you do it, and what method should you choose so you don’t end up in tears? What is best for shaping eyebrows: tweezers, thread, or maybe wax? Here’s our guide […]

All About Eyebrow Piercing: Gold, Silver, or Maybe Plastic?

Body decoration is still very trendy, and the eyebrow ring is one of the most popular forms of piercing. Eyebrow piercing seems simple, so sometimes we decide to apply it immediately. However, it is important to realize that any form of piercing is an intervention in our body. Therefore, it is good to familiarize yourself […]

Makeup Tips for Blue Eyes: Choose the Right Shadows!

Blue eyes = blue shadows? Many people make this mistake. For blue eyes to stand out well, they need contrast. What colors from the color wheel are they? What will they be good for? I will be happy to explain it to you! Blue eyes are typical primarily of Europe and have been a sign […]

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