Qualities And 3 Faults, What Should You Answer During The Job Interview

“Name 3 of your qualities and 3 faults” is a question that has stood the test of time. You will have little chance of missing it, which is why it is better to be prepared. What can you answer during the job interview? Here is how to avoid the pitfalls and turn this question to your advantage.

What are the 3 qualities to give in a job interview?

When asking you about your three qualities and three faults in a job interview, the recruiter’s goal is to see if your personality will fit with the company’s values ​​and dynamics.

So you will have understood, that to score points in a job interview, you must reveal yourself in your best light while remaining true. To make the difference, focus on your behavioral skills, otherwise known as soft skills. This is the new hobby of recruiters.

You should also be careful not to give your interviewer too many qualities. If he asks you for a specific number, ” name three qualities “, just list what he is asking you. No more, no less. If the question is open-ended: “Name your qualities “, give one, two, or even three qualities maximum to your interviewer. By giving more qualities to the recruiter, you would come across as too sure of yourself.

Below are 5 qualities that recruiters appreciate, make your choice and mention 3 of them in a job interview:

To find out more, here is a list of 15 professional qualities to succeed in your job interview.

Tip: Use what people around you (e.g. your peers, team, or manager) say about you. This will also show that you are attentive to feedback from others.

What are the 3 flaws to give to shine in a job interview?

As is the case for qualities, the recruiter will surely ask you about your faults during the job interview.

By asking yourself “Name three flaws?”, the goal is the same as for the three qualities listed: to learn a little more about you and to check your compatibility with the position and the company.

Don’t rattle off an exhaustive list of flaws, or you’ll come across as a problem candidate. One or two flaws are enough to characterize you. List three if the recruiter asks you for three specifically.

⚠️ Exit the faults which are disguised qualities like “I am too perfectionist” or “I am too dynamic”… This is seen and reviewed by recruiters.

Below is a list of 4 flaws to choose from that you can state without fear in a job interview. Select the ones that best characterize you.

What are the flaws that scare recruiters away? Not all truths are good to tell. Don’t be fooled into admitting some nasty flaws that could give a bad image of you to your future employer. Among the flaws not to admit, here are some examples: aggressiveness, lack of rigor, and pretension.

Our advice: for a fault to be constructive, try to put a professional failure into perspective with a trait of your character and bounce back on an area for improvement.

To find out more, here are the top 10 professional faults for a job interview.

3 qualities and 3 faults in an interview: what not to do!

When the recruiter asks you to list your strengths and weaknesses during the interview, do not answer “none”. Or worse, do not answer at all. This question is not asked by chance.

Your interviewer is trying to assess your adaptability within the company: will you be in line with the values ​​defended? Will you stay for a long time?

He will check that your temperament is compatible with your future manager and the members of your team. Are you a rather autonomous profile? Are you in a constant mood? Are you rather solitary?

Work in advance on the answer to the question about your qualities and faults that you will probably have in a job interview. You will shine on the big day.