The weight gain is due to an energy imbalance. the number of calories taken. then the number of calories burned. Therefore, you must create an energy deficit by taking fewer calories. and the more calories burned.
How do you not lose weight without being hungry?
This is the basic rule for the loose weight.
For example, if you eat 2000 calories per day, then you burn 2500. you will lose weight.
One might then be enough to significantly reduce. it’s the intake of calories. so you do not need to burn as much to lose weight.
Unfortunately, we would make you starve. it would not be very good for your diet. You’ll find it low, become hungrier, and eat more, which is not the goal.
Your body needs food and calories for energy recovery. You need to eat enough to not be caught with big cravings. at the same time, be able to burn calories.
On the other hand, if you burn the exact amount of calories you eat, you will remain the same.
The secret to losing weight without being hungry is to choose the right foods. You should choose foods that are low in calories but can satisfy your stomach to prevent hunger.
The way you eat affects your weight. A very interesting study was done in New Zealand at the University of Auckland in 1999. It explains how eating affects weight gain.
The researchers divided male participants into three groups. Each group followed a diet with a different percentage of fat (60%, 40%, or 20% fat per day). but no limit was imposed on the calories. They could eat as much as they wanted of food allowed.
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Those who followed the diet with 20% fat lost weight because they were low in calories absorbed. Fats contain 9 calories per gram instead of 4 calories per gram with carbohydrates and proteins.
How to not feel hungry without eating.
In summary, the food contains fat and more calories than it provides. Despite the low amount of calories, of the men in this group, 20% were not hungry. The researchers found that they compensated. for the lack of intake of calories by unconsciously choosing food weight rather than those chosen by men of other groups “. By the way, they were not hungry.
This proves the weight of the food. Your diet plays a more important role than the fat and calories that satisfy your stomach. Thus, to be full, you do not need to eat foods that contain a lot of calories or fat & Instead. your stomach should feel the weight of food.
[what to eat when hungry on a diet at night.]
Research has shown that people have it. the habit of eating every day. the same amount of food. without taking it into account. these foods contain fat and calories.
The solution to losing weight without being hungry. the same amount of food by reducing the fat and calories it contains.
This is why you should drink a glass of water. and a bowl of soup before eating cut hunger. This also explains why people can follow a low-fat diet and gain weight. if the majority of their food choices are based on bad foods high in calories and low in fiber.