“Tell me 3 of your qualities and 3 faults”, some recruiters love this question. Candidates hate it! Are you short of ideas for faults for your job interview?

Don’t panic, to find inspiration, just pick a few ideas from our top 10 faults to say in an interview.

Top 10 Professional Flaws For A Job Interview


This is probably a flaw that you had planned to keep quiet about at all costs since ambition is often poorly perceived in France. Mistake, for a recruiter, having ambition in the professional world is a positive point, and it can therefore be as much a quality as a flaw in a job interview.

“This flaw is audible because, on the one hand, it demonstrates the candidate’s ability to have self-confidence. And this implies that he will not be satisfied with being average but will be able to perform in the long term,” notes Olivier Croce, director of the English learning application Speaken by Yes ‘n You and former headhunter. On the condition, of course, of not wanting to kill father and mother to satisfy this ambition.


By talking about your shyness in a job interview, the recruiter can understand that you may need more time to open up. If he is also very shy, he will be all the more understanding.

Even for a sales job, shyness can ultimately turn out to be an asset. ” A shy salesperson will tend to put forward the products and services to be sold more than themselves. Their reserve will encourage the customer to better explain their needs. The company therefore has everything to gain from it,” illustrates Olivier Croce.

Strength of character

In short, you don’t let yourself be put down easily. “This notion suggests that you will know how to take the leadership of a project and/or a team. That during a commercial negotiation, for example, you will assert yourself and will not give up easily,” observes Corinne Cabanes, head of the recruitment firm Corinne Cabanes & Associés.

In an interview, associate this flaw with the notion of courage and risk-taking. Two highly appreciated virtues!


Obviously, there is no question of starting to cry during an interview by saying these words. “This shows somewhere a candidate who reacts andqui n’a pas peur de la gestion de ses émotions. Ils sont souvent très créatifs, fourmillent d’idées et peuvent booster un environnement de travail et une équipe », commente le dirigeant de Speaken.

The need to control

In short, you like to control everything. At first glance, an employer might think that you will be incapable of working in a team.

Reassure him by emphasizing that you always ensure a job well done, that you control your emotions, and that this does not prevent you from delegating effectively. On the contrary.

The franchise is to cash

Or more elegantly, “I always say what I think.” This type of flaw sets off an alarm in the recruiter’s head, who will then try to figure out whether it is a fatal flaw that could cause conflict or, ultimately, an asset.

“It is up to the candidate to explain that, in all honesty, he always sets clear and precise frameworks that allow him to work without ambiguity and in complete confidence with his manager, his teams, and his colleagues. And that in this way, he avoids potential conflicts,” argues Corinne Cabanes.

One drawback, however, is that this flaw is probably better received by a recruiter for an SME than in a large group, where everything is more hushed and political.

The chatter

Of course, if your interlocutor is not, there will be a culture shock. “In any case, being talkative demonstrates a strong sociability of the candidate and undoubtedly, a good capacity for integration. Inclined to easily solicit the opinion of others, he will be able to find quick solutions to problems,” argues Olivier Croce.

Before closing on this subject in an interview, insist on your good listening skills. You certainly talk a lot, but you also have a keen ear.


“Too bad, hiring processes are sometimes very long,” the recruiter may say. Then argue that this impatience pushes you not to live on your laurels and to move quickly.

Even if it means making mistakes sometimes. “In business, what matters now is the execution of a task more than the idea of ​​execution. A candidate who recognizes his impatience will undoubtedly be a collaborator who will provide quick solutions,” argues Olivier Croce.

Read Also: Questions to ask the recruiter during the job interview

The gluttony

Expressing one’s faults with a bit of humor, at least in a field that is different from the world of recruitment, in this case, cooking, which brings together a good number of French people, can be judicious.

“Talking about your sweet tooth is a clever way of expressing your appetite for new and different projects,” explains the head of the firm Corinne Cabanes & Associés.

And if the recruiter tells you that you might be spreading yourself too thin, answer for example (with a smile), “I’m greedy, but I always finish each of my cakes”, or that you are working on an area for improvement.


Stubbornness, coupled with a concrete example, can be sought by a recruiter. Especially in jobs that require project management. If you face a problem in your job, you will not give up and you will fight until the end to succeed in your project as best you can. Stubbornness and tenacity are flaws/qualities to say and highlight in a job interview.