Buddha Bowl, Naan Pizza, Sauerkraut … Pinterest Reveals The 10 Food Trends Of 2024


All Tomorrow’s Food Trends were identified by Pinterest, which just released its annual report. Then, then, then, what will put them to adopt in 2024?

Every day, millions and millions of topics are searched on Pinterest. Food trends have not escaped the enthusiasm of the social network, which has just released the results of its annual survey. Of the 75 billion ideas that abound on the platform,

10 food trends stood out, showing the real interest of users for them. Naturally, they should take center stage coming months. After Poke Bowl, the Pasta One-pot, or the Mocktail, what food trends are coming to garnish our meals and aperitifs in 2024?

The Buddha Bowl

The bowls are popular right now! Like the Poke Bowl or the Smoothie Bowl, the Buddha Bowl is the most popular trend of the moment, especially among the amateurs of healthy food. Yes, this dish is acclaimed for its nutritional benefits. vegetable proteins, grains, legumes, all the inputs we need are concentrated there!

Fruit Bread

This tropical fruit came from Polynesia and Indonesia will wreak havoc in 2024! With a taste reminiscent of sweet potato is a source of protein. Vitamin C, starch, and sugar, it is very effective especially in aiding digestion.


Hard to believe, yet the mollusk with long tentacles is the new hobby chef. Featuring soft flesh and a salty taste (due to ingesting shellfish), he sits for some time at the table Bistronomes. Is that it has the wind in louse (l) pe!


Empanadas are the appetizers that everyone pulls. Very easy to prepare, these slippers stuffed (meat, fish, vegetables) are the food simple and effective trend in 2024!

Sour Beer

Beer lovers will recognize failure. This beer tastes sour, tangy, and slightly spicy (due to the coriander key) so it will be fashionable to order next year!

Vacuum Cooking

For some years that cooking vacuum has proven its merits. However, this trend still holds the top rank of the food trends. To keep all the flavors, and nutrients but also the texture of foods (mainly meat and fish), a cooking vacuum has every reason for new followers.

The Naan Pizza

We love the pizza, we love the naan. We love Italy, we love India. We like the mix we like the novelty. No need to say more about this new way of cooking pizza which attracted a lot of gourmets!

The Sauerkraut

Like its Korean counterpart, sauerkraut is very good for our health, in particular for transit and the intestinal flora. No wonder it is popular the new hobby of foodies.

Alternatives to Olive Oil

Not that olive oil is bad for health, but just to vary the flavors and pleasures, replacing seems to stimulate Internet users. coconut oil, macadamia, or avocado, the choice is multiple.

Balanced Chips

Because we like to always receive friends for a small drink but we want to keep a green button, the chips are vegetables are perfect for the occasion. And in addition, they brighten the diners!

Now you know what trends Food 2018 is about to launch, through the report issued by Pinterest. Your turn to put yourself at the top!


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