Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly in Top 10 Sports Step

Weight Loss

With the sedentary lifestyle of modern life, Lose weight is becoming a goal for many people. Whether for health or aesthetic reasons, the only way to achieve this is through a calorie deficit. However, effective weight-loss programs can be difficult to achieve.

You will need to follow a healthy diet as well as an exercise program customized to your goals. You must focus on high-calorie-burning exercises and strengthen your body to lose weight quickly. Help yourself with the free application to lose weight.

In this article, we will review the 8 best forms of exercise for weight loss!

1: Squats Exercises to Lose Weight

Squat exercises weight loss
young woman performing squat

The squat is one of the best exercises for weight loss. In fact, it will allow you to strengthen your legs and your buttocks. It is a muscle strengthening exercise par excellence. Consequently, it becomes more effective when done with dumbbells. Here is the correct way to perform a squat:

  • stand in a standing position
  • keep your feet shoulder-width apart
  • choose a dumbbell that you will carry with both hands
  • bend your knees and lower your body
  • stop your descent when your thighs are parallel to the ground
  • stand up straight, then do several repetitions
  • Make sure you feel the tension in your legs and glutes throughout the exercise.

2: The Romanian Deadlift

Romanian deadlift
Young man performing a romanian deadlift

A great exercise for weight loss is the Romanian deadlift. Since it is a versatile exercise, we highly recommend it! In fact, it works several muscle groups at once while burning calories. It helps strengthen the gluteal muscles, hamstrings and lower back muscles.

To perform a Romanian deadlift (1):

  • place a loaded barbell in front of you
  • grab the bar with your arms without bending them
  • bend the hips and lower the torso, keeping the legs straight
  • return to the initial position by contracting the glutes and straightening the hips

3: Jumped lunges Exercises to Lose Weight

Lunges exercises weight loss

Jumping lunges are a very important exercise to increase your heart rate and burn calories quickly. It also helps work your leg and glute muscles. To this end, the jump lunge becomes a slimming and body-building exercise at the same time. To perform a jump lunge, follow these steps:

  • start in a standing position
  • take your right leg forward with a big step
  • bend your knee until you reach a parallel between your thighs and the floor
  • jump while changing legs simultaneously
  • do several repetitions

4 – Burpees Exercises to Lose Weight

Group performing burpees

Generally speaking, cardio exercises are the most effective for an express weight loss program. In particular, burpees! In fact, these are comprehensive weight loss exercises that can burn up to 10 cal/min (2) . Furthermore, they also have a good effect on digestive and immune health because they work the cardiovascular and digestive systems. For a successful burpee:

  • stand up, then lower into plank position
  • do a push-up then jump to standing again
  • raise your arms then repeat this movement for 60 seconds

5 – The board

Plank exercises weight loss

To lose weight, do muscle strengthening. Indeed, a 7-minute workout can do wonders in no time. To do this, complete a circuit alternating between the plank and a cardio exercise. The plank allows you to work your core, arms and shoulders. Compared to cardio exercise, which will accelerate your body’s calorie burning,.

The board is very easy to make. On the other hand, the real challenge lies in maintaining this position over the long term.

Start in a plank position with your arms straight and your hands placed directly under your shoulders-
hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds, keeping your back straight and contracting your abdominals
Follow up with a cardio exercise, and that’s it!

6: The Harlow movement

Harlow movement for weight loss

This exercise, commonly called Superman, is an essential part of your slimming program. This exercise will work your back and the back of your shoulders. It will even work your butt. In addition, it helps improve your posture and strengthen it. An all-in-one exercise!

To achieve a good Harlow movement:

  • extend your arms in front of you, in line with your head
  • simultaneously raise your feet and shoulders off the floor and hold this position for a few seconds
  • control the descent of your feet and shoulders to the ground

7: The kettle bell swings

Kettlebell swing exercises for weight loss

The kettlebell swing is a strength training exercise that uses a kettlebell. It works at least the muscles of the back, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and shoulders. This exercise is also very effective for burning calories and,, therefore losing weight. Also, it mobilizes many muscle groups and promotes significant energy expenditure.

To perform the Kettlebell Swing, you must:

  • stand and hold the kettlebell with both hands
  • bend the hips to lower the kettlebell between the legs
  • swing the kettle bell forward while contracting the glutes and straightening the hips

8- Pumps

Push-ups exercises weight loss

Let’s try to focus on exercises that promote weight loss in the upper body. That said, push-ups also strengthen your upper-body muscles. To do push-ups:

  • start in plank position with hands shoulder-width apart
  • bend your elbows to lower your body toward the ground
  • push the body up to the starting position

In conclusion, exercise is a great way to lose weight and improve your overall health. Please note that your efforts will not be successful without a healthy and balanced diet. In fact, your diet accounts for 70% of your results. By combining the two, you can achieve your long-term weight-loss goals.

Long-term weight loss goals without a healthy and balanced diet


Best Exercise To Lose Weight / Exercises To Lose Weight At Home / Fitness Benefits Your Body Burn / Lose Weight / Top 4 Sports / Weight Loss Goal

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