Do you have the feeling that your metabolism is only on the back burner? Then you should ban these metabolic stoppers from your everyday life
It sounds like fattening, but it is true: while the “good feed converters” can eat what they want, the “bad feed converters” easily gain weight. The reason for this is the metabolism, also called metabolism.
To put it simply, the components of the ingested food, such as fats and carbohydrates,
The serve as energy suppliers for the body, are metabolize.
Why is metabolism important in losing weight?
A fast metabolism is especially beneficial if you want to lose weight. But age, gender, and diet determine how effectively the metabolic processes in your body run.
One thing is clear: the more you metabolize, i.e. burn, the sooner the pounds drop. And the less this process hindered, the less strenuous the weight loss project.
Which mistakes slow down the metabolism?
If you have a slow metabolism, you still don’t have to put up with your fate. Certain foods or habits with which you unconsciously slow down your metabolism can also be to blame for this.
1- You are eating too little protein
Protein-rich foods are THE metabolism booster par excellence. Why? Your body has to use a lot of energy to break down the proteins into their constituent parts, the amino acids. When it comes to metabolizing carbohydrates and fats, the effort is much less. Protein is also filling for a long time because it stays in the stomach for a long time and thus prevents cravings.
2- You paralyze your metabolism with too much sugar
Everyone knows that sugar is unhealthy and does not help you lose weight. After consuming a pack of gummy bears, the body literally flooded with sugar and your blood sugar level rises rapidly.
The pancreas then releases insulin. It can happen that the pancreas “overshoots the target” a little and in the end, too little sugar remains in the blood.
The result: hypoglycemia. Concentration and performance decline and cravings are the results.
3- You inhibit metabolic activity through irregular meals
If you rely on “dinner canceling” when losing weight, you tend to achieve the opposite: if you skip entire meals or eat very irregularly, you slow your metabolism.
Your body depends on a regular supply of nutrients, such as carbohydrates and proteins, in order to keep vital metabolic processes running. If you deny him this “refill” and add too few calories every day, she will switch to economy mode.
Breakfast served no later than 2 hours after getting up to boost your metabolism.
4- You drink too little water
Incredible, but true: Your body consists of around 70 percent water.
But those who drink too little water automatically slow down their metabolism, because they run on the back burner due to the lack of water.
How much water should you drink every day? body weight 30 to 40 ml of water per kilogram.
Example: You weigh 60 kilos? Then an average of 2.1 liters of water per day (1.8-2.4 l) is ideal for you. In summer and when you do a lot of sport, your fluid requirements increase additionally. Here are 6 ways to drink more water.
5- Too much alcohol inhibits your metabolism
If you want to lose a few pounds, it is best to avoid alcohol. Need an example? A glass (0.2 l) of red wine has around 170 kcal, and a glass (0.2 l) of sparkling wine has 160 kcal. Cocktails and long drinks such as Caipirinha or Cuba Libre are even worse.
In addition, alcohol paralyzes your metabolism. After a glass of wine, your body is primarily concerned with breaking down alcohol. Carbohydrate and fat metabolism meanwhile come to an almost complete standstill. The sugar in sparkling wine & Co. also lets your insulin level rise rapidly and fall back into the basement even faster.
In other words: Your metabolism slowed down by alcohol and fat burning inhibited.
6- You eat too much junk food
Not only do burgers and fries have loads of calories, but your body can also hardly draw any useful nutrients from the junk food. She is looking in vain for essential vitamins, fiber & Co. What she finds are additives of all kinds, as well as many unhealthy, saturated fatty acids. Fat inhibits your metabolism and makes digestion sluggish and slow.
They raise blood lipid levels, raise your cholesterol, and even increase your risk of developing cancer.
7- You don’t exercise enough
Sitting for long periods and generally too little exercise in everyday life are the worst metabolic brakes ever. The body shuts down its activity mode during such breaks and the metabolism slows down. As a result, for example, the muscles burn fewer calories and you gain weight faster. The solution: exercise!
Exercise is the best and most effective way to stimulate a slow metabolism. As a result, you can not only burn fat but also build muscle at the same time. More muscles increase your basal metabolic rate.
Without these 7 metabolic brakes, you can easily get your metabolism going.
The secret: a lot of exercises, little sugar, and alcohol, a lot of protein, no fast food, and always enough water make your metabolism fast.